Fahad and two other friends heard the sound of music as our little team sang to Jesus in the rugged mountains of the Middle East. I made the most out of an out-of-tune little travel guitar as our new friends joined us as we sang and danced for Jesus. They may not have understood the words, but they understood the heart.  


As our friend explained the gospel they went to their knees to give their lives to Jesus. 


We know there are billions more like Fahad that are starving for hope. 

Amidst our global-level concern over health, politics, racial tensions, natural disasters, financial instability and more, it can be easier to find pain and discouragement than hope. People across the earth, and across our islands here in Hawaiʻi long to know why they are alive- what their purpose is, and if there is good news in the midst of the chaos. 


They are starving for hope, starving to be fully alive in who God made them to be. 


They are starving for good news. 


We have good news to share! His name is Jesus. He is the good news the world is waiting for. He is the hero in the story and He longs to break on the scene of our lives.  


And he has invited us, His church to be his hands and feet. 


In Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”


This is our vision and what we re giving our lives for- to fulfill the Great Commission. 


Would you partner with us? 


The Anderson family is based in Kailua Kona, Hawaii working with Youth With  A Mission, one of the worlds largest missionary training organizations. YWAM has trained and sent over 5 million missionaries in itʻs history, and here in Kona at YWAMʻs largest base, we send nearly 2000 missionaries every year all over the world. 


Fahadʻs life was changed in the midst of music and dance, so we are using our passion for music and dance to make an impact on both a global level as well as a local level. 


We want to see every nation transformed, which includes the beautiful island we live on. At one time, the largest church in the world was on this island. We are serving the community in Kona in several ways, believing the greatest moves of God for this island are coming soon. 


We see that God has strategically placed us in Kona for such a time as this to help equip the harvesters to GO, with your help we are able to focus 100% on the mission at hand- to engage, equip and empower young people to know God and make Him Known.


We cannot do this alone. Would you consider partnering with us in our part in fulfilling the Great Commission?